Tinkertool Time Machine
TinkerTool running on macOS Mojave with 'General' preferences pane open. | |
Initial release | December 7, 2010 |
Stable release | |
Operating system | macOS |
Available in | Multilingual |
Type | Utilities |
License | Freeware |
Website | www.bresink.com/osx/TinkerTool.html |
- Time Machine Backup
- Tinkertool Time Machine 2017
- Tinkertool Time Machine Reviews
- Time Machine Mac
- Tinkertool Time Machine Parts
TinkerTool Features. TinkerTool is an application that gives you access to additional preference settings Apple has built into macOS.This allows to activate hidden features in the operating system and in some of the applications delivered with the system.

- Oct 18, 2019 To create backups with Time Machine, all you need is an external storage device. After you connect the device and select it as your backup disk, Time Machine automatically makes hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month, and weekly backups for all previous months.The oldest backups are deleted when your backup disk is full.
- Fully exploring TinkerTool will take some time, but if you put in the effort, you can truly turn your Mac into a tailor-made machine. You can also revert back to pre-TinkerTool settings using the 'Reset' option.
TinkerTool is a freeware application for macOS that allows the user to customise the system by exposing hidden preferences to a graphical user interface (GUI).[1] It is developed by German developer Marcel Bresink Software-Systeme. Its latest release is version 7.4.2, which is optimised for macOS Catalina and many features that came with it.[2]Izotope mastering essentials free download.
Time Machine Backup
TinkerTool gives users access to hidden system and application preferences that Apple has built into macOS, but not integrated into GUI preferences menus. Although users can typically access these through Terminal operations, TinkerTool assembles them and provides a GUI similar to Apple’s System Preferences application for easier access.
By using Apple’s hidden preferences, the application only commits changes that are reversible and affect the preferences of the current user account. Administrative privileges or background processing are not required. The application also supports a reset option to reset all preferences to Apple's defaults, or to the state that existed before using the application.
Initially, TinkerTool worked with all versions of macOS. However, over the years, compatibility with particular versions of macOS was spun off into separate applications: TinkerTool Classic, TinkerTool Classic Generation 2, TinkerTool 4, TinkerTool 5, TinkerTool 6, and the current TinkerTool. Support therefore goes back to Mac OS X 10.1 Puma and later.[3]
Mixmeister studio 7.7 crack. TinkerTool versions are specific to versions of macOS and are not backward compatible. The program will not work correctly if used with an OS for which it was not designed.
- Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar: TinkerTool Classic, v3.9.5
- Mac OS X 10.3 Panther: TinkerTool Classic, v3.9.5
- Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger: TinkerTool Classic Generation 2, v4.5
- Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard: TinkerTool Classic Generation 2, v4.5
- Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: TinkerTool 4, v4.97
- Mac OS X 10.7 Lion: TinkerTool 4, v4.97
- OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion: TinkerTool 4, v4.97
- OS X 10.9 Mavericks: TinkerTool 5, v5.7
- OS X 10.10 Yosemite: TinkerTool 5, v5.7
- OS X 10.11 El Capitan: TinkerTool 5, v5.7
- macOS 10.12 Sierra: TinkerTool 6, v6.5
- macOS 10.13 High Sierra: TinkerTool 6, v6.5
- macOS 10.14 Mojave: TinkerTool, v7.4.2
- macOS 10.15 Catalina: TinkerTool, v7.4.2
The macOS Catalina (10.15) build is actively maintained. However, all previous versions in support of past operating systems are still available for download from the developer's website
See also[edit]
Tinkertool Time Machine 2017
- ^Bresink, Marcel. 'TinkerTool: Description'. Software-Systeme. Retrieved 23 February 2019.
- ^Bresink, Marcel. 'TikerTool: What's new?'. Software-Systeme. Retrieved 23 February 2019.
- ^TinkerTool versions
Tinkertool Time Machine Reviews
External links[edit]
Time Machine Mac
Tinkertool Time Machine Parts
Open Disk Utility in the Utilities folder. After DU loads select the TM hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say 'Verified' then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is 'Verified' then select your TM volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported, then quit DU.
The problem of having a TM drive revert to read-only is not new. There is this past fix:
What to do if Time Machine reports you don't have permission
This was posted in the Apple Discussions by V.K. I have only modified it slightly to be more generic.
The problem seems to be that 10.5.6 changes permissions on a file so that even the root user doesn't have write peivileges. I have no idea why they did this. The workaround suggested in [an]other post will probably work, too, but i did something less drastic. Instead of deleting the file I changed permissions on it, and it worked just fine. An added benefit is that the permission change seems to stick, so you don't have to delete the file every time you change a drive.
[Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder. At the prompt [enter] the following command:
sudo chmod 644 /volumes/'TM drive name'/.xxxxxxxxxxxx
The name of the file .xxxxxxxxxxxx is based on the MAC address of your computer and will be different for every computer. Put the name of the TM drive in the above and keep the quotes.
You'll have to enter your admin password (which you won't see) which is normal.
This was edited by Kappy just for cleanup.
Enable Finder to Show Invisible Files and Folders
Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder. At the prompt enter or paste the following command line then press RETURN.
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
To turn off the display of invisible files and folders enter or paste the following command line and press RETURN.
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
Alternatively you can use one of the numerous third-party utilities such as TinkerTool or ShowHideInvisibleFiles - VersionTracker or MacUpdate.
Also, see User Tips for Time Machine for help with TM problems. Also you can select Mac Help from the Finder's Help menu and search for 'time machine' to locate articles on how to use TM. See also Mac 101- Time Machine.
Mar 14, 2011 12:23 PM